In the regiment of Freedia MMOs from the largest world publishers, an early replenishment is expected. It includes in the race Ubisoft With an online project The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. No, this is not another Moba, of which recently it has divorced for every taste and color: behind the original (albeit a somewhat bulky) name hid the same extraordinary idea. For once Ubisoft I decided to come up with something new. However, in fact, the “new”, as expected, turned out to be well-forgotten old, or rather, mixing already familiar genres: “devil-like” Action-RPG and strategies in the spirit Dungeon Keeper, With small elements of casual strategies for social networks.
You can see what came of it with your own eyes-if you’re lucky to get the key for closed beta testing, of course. Well, for those who are not so lucky, we have prepared a preview-even if the release is still far away, you can tell something now.
In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state ..
In the magical world, where the majestic islands are hovering among the clouds, the Kingdom of the Promotion is located-the native house of brave heroes and protecting every penny of the rich. Each castle has its own master;such a kingdom without a king – or, on the contrary, a country where everyone is a king and ruler for himself. The owners of the air strongholds cannot take competition and are ready for anything in order to annoy a neighbor who will not pretend to answer the same. There is no better activity than in the morning to plunder someone’s castle, interrupting the guardians of the wealth of their master monsters. True, upon returning home, you can find traces of uninvited guests who managed to endure everything valuable, and even wrote something offensive on the wall.
In the role of one of these Sam-Sebe-Corols, the player has to act. The Lord’s business of the heavenly fortress is enough – Mighty Quest It can be divided into two halves: most of the time they occupy active raids to the possession of neighbors, it will be noticeably less to devote their own castle.
In the first case, we have a classic Action-RPG, served in small portions-the process of stripping enemy in chorus takes three to four minutes from strength. However, nothing prevents him from attacking other people’s possessions over and over again, being distracted only by the sale of an unnecessary “Luta”. Everything is simple and understandable here – those who are already familiar with such “diabageids”, to figure out what is happening will not be difficult. But, of course, not without nuances: before us is still not a pure representative
of this genre.
Heroes available for the selection of unnecessary wealth from competitors, only three are a magician, warrior and archer. Little, but, I think, over time, developers will increase the number of classes, like the number of skills of each hero – while there are only a dozen for each of them. You are not particularly swollen, especially since only four skills are available in battle, and it will not be possible to change them on the go – to take a new set, you need to complete the battle.
Another victory. You can write to the owner of the castle that he is a noob and does not understand anything in the planning of defense. I think he will be pleased to get acquainted with the authoritative opinion.
Of course, this leaves a certain imprint on the style of various locks – often the outcome of the next raid depends only on whether it will be possible to guess with the choice of skills for the upcoming assault. If you are not lucky, you will have to return with nothing: at the death of the hero there is an opportunity to resurrect for a moderate fee in the same place, but the treasure, even if you get to it, will not work out – only the “loot” and the experience in the plus and the experience. I did not have time to clean the castle in the allotted time – again the loss, again it is impossible to devastate the chests stuffed with coins, the enemy again gets the point of prestige (“crown”), and our hero loses these points, falling below the general rating of the inhabitants of the venues. Well, if luck is on our side, then the extraction from the personal storage of an unlucky enemy and the “crown” are our – the greater the difference between the level of the castle and the hero level, the richer we become in case of victory.
For dessert – the opportunity to leave a comment to the owner of the fortress that could not stand the pressure. I think you should not explain what possibilities this feature is for trolling.
But for now, even if you make a discount on the fact that we have only a closed beta test, raids on other people’s possessions look somewhat monotonous, especially at the initial levels. It is not difficult to pass the castles, there are few heroes and spells, the elements of equipment falling from the dead monsters and are available for purchase in the store are not particularly different from each other, while there are no sets and “sets” of equipment.
Or maybe the fact is that we have seen all this more than once, unlike the second component Mighty Quest – arrangement of personal fortress.
“We built-builded …” Everything looks like “socialists”-even if you don’t play, we have to go a couple of times a day to collect the obtained resources and distribute workers according to new facilities.
Houses and walls help
The good-made good is to spend somewhere. Bought a new thing for the hero, healing potions, and there was money left – even the house is a building. And we will build!
Each self -respecting resident of the veneration is simply obliged to have his own castle, where you can safely fall apart on the throne among the inconspicuous wealth, surrounded by devoted servants and vigilant guards, solving a difficult task: which of the neighbors the next time the next time?
Our fortress, like heroes, grows in level – for this it is necessary to invest in its development. Actually, the main part of the expenses will be precisely the costs of construction, and not to replenish the wardrobe of heroes. The “pumping” of the castle takes time, and by the middle of development – very, very rather big. Of course, you can accelerate the expectation, but, of course, not free, and you can’t get by with the internal currency: you have to actually fork. Microblies where without them is now?
The fortress itself consists of several rooms, and the choice of the right rooms and their location relative to each other is completely in the player’s hands. Pieces of this designer are several dozen, you can create your own unique mansions, but you should not be guided by a design plan. Do not forget – our castle will definitely check for strength, the heroes are hunting until easy mining, therefore the layout should be made with the expectation that the enemy does not be able to achieve the desired goal.
Without protection, any castle is nothing. Having spent a certain number of resources, you can call on many different creatures under their banners – from almost harmless skeletons to huge “bosses” that will be breastfeeding treasury. Minions also “pump”, and some of them are even allowed to instruct how to behave in case of meeting with the enemy. Such indirect control.
The placement of “units” on the map resembles a certain Tower Defense, only not waves of enemies attack us, but a single robber, and this is not in real time. It is necessary to predict the enemy’s actions in advance, choosing the composition of his small army so that he has no chance. Yes, and do not forget about traps-they themselves will not cause any noticeable damage, but together with the monsters they can deliver a lot of unpleasant seconds of the gaping thief.
Dial the most powerful “units” and put them at the very entrance so that the enemy hero cannot step, it will not work. Here, each minion costs a certain number of protection points and creates a “placement radius” around itself, inside which there can be as many monsters, but their protection points in total should not exceed a certain limit. There is a common limit for the whole castle – so that the rich on “spam” the armies of cheap, but numerous servants. They may not kill something, but they will not be detained for a long time, and the time for robbery is limited-it is also worth remembering this when attacking and when planning defense.
Each perfect raid is recorded in a special journal with the possibility of watching a battle record. The useful thing for further strengthening the defense and studying the enemy’s tactics in the attack.
Generally The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot So far leaves a pleasant impression if you know that this is only beta testing. But by the time the game gets to the release, the developers need to seriously work on their creation – the general concept and mechanics require regular debugging and editing balance. But with the assortment of heroes, skills, equipment and various tactics – that is, with all the components of the success of any ARPG – while the trouble. Do not forget about the regime of the defense of the castle: here I would like the same – diversity. So far, because of a short choice, the game in all of its hypostas is too simple. However, for someone this is not a drawback at all, and the visual style and setting of Mqfel frivolous, with a bit of humor and self -irony. Maybe you should not demand hardcore from such mmo?
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